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Albas Pollyanna


Albas Pollyanna. CODE: 02987-ALB

Author: Eleanor H. Porter ; Translated by: Klodian Briçi

Age group: over 9 years old 

Number of pages: 256

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Eleven-year-old Pollyanna, after the death of her parents, goes to live in Vermont with her charming aunt, Polly. However, the little girl refuses to succumb to the gloomy situation, but instead, chooses to see the bright side of things. Through the "game of joy", which her father taught her, Poliana finds reasons to be happy in any situation and overcomes any obstacle. The little girl urges others to join her game of joy and change their dreary lives. Among the new players are Mrs. Snow, John Pendëlëtëni, Nancy, etc. Everyone is generous enough to welcome the cheerful, tireless girl into their lives, even as she must face and overcome her own challenges. Although Pollyanna is billed as a children's novel, it is actually intended to be read by people of all ages. The author presents an enlightening journey into the innocent world of children, whose positive energy can lighten even the darkest circumstances. Poliana serves as an inspiration to many people, to never give up on life and see it in a positive way.

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