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Albas Isaac Newton


Albas Isaac Newton. CODE: 25897-ALB

Author: Octavi López & Fernando Rossia ; Translated by: Viola Dona

Age group: above 9 years old

Number of pages: 64

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Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day 1642 in a small village in England. His passion to understand everything around him led him to become one of the most important scientists of all time, immersing himself in the study of the Bible and delving into alchemy, in search of the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone. He was an ambitious man, had an unusual reputation as a scholar, and devoted the last years of his life to the pursuit of coin counterfeiters. But he earned his place on the pedestal of great scientists by understanding the universe like no one before: he discovered that the movement of all things is governed by the same law: the Law of Gravity.

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