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Albas An alien in the family


Albas An alien in the family. CODE: 02979-ALB

Author: Bianca Pitzorno ; Translated by: Lejbjana Hyseni

Age group: above 12 years old

Number of pages: 256

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An extraordinary friend has arrived in the Olivieri family: Moja, a child from the planet Deneb. Is it a girl or a boy? There is one small difference between Earthlings and Denebians: the gender of children is not revealed until they reach their twenties. But this small change causes great difficulties. Apparently, on earth, being a boy or a girl defines every aspect of life, from childhood. In this novel, which makes you laugh and think, Bianca Pitzorno shows the contradictions and prejudices that accompany the education of girls and boys, and how difficult it is to choose what you will become, while everyone say who you are

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