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Albas Seasons of the year


Albas Seasons of the year. CODE: 02971-ALB

Author: Luigj Gurakuqi

Age group: above 9 years old

Number of pages: 72

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Dear children, the book "Seasons of the year" should definitely be added to your library. It is a very good way to supplement the knowledge you have received in school about Luigj Gurakuq, whom you know as an outstanding fighter for the freedom and progress of our nation. But he was not only a statesman, researcher, publicist, but also a poet and translator. This book summarizes some of the poems and prose that Luigj Gurakuqi wrote with great dedication for young students. In the poems carefully selected by Pandeli Koçi, nature and the seasons of the year, which have their own special beauty and usefulness, are sung with love. They describe in detail trees, trees, birds, flowers, snow, hardships, but also the fate of the poor. The short prose is written simply and clearly, to be understood and enjoyed immediately by young readers. These pleasant stories and fables are based on folk tales. In them, longing for the homeland and for Shkodra, the author's birthplace, is described with clear and warm feelings. Luigj Gurakuqi's writings are in the Gege dialect. For a simpler reading of them, some words have been explained. This will help you to understand the rhymes and prose as clearly as possible and to embed the message they convey as well as possible.

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