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Albas Start being happy


Albas Start being happy. CODE: 33228-ALB

Author: Ndre Mjeda

Age group: above 9 years old

Number of pages: 60

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Vetëm online


Ndre Mjeda, this poet and language researcher stands in the first rank of poets of our National Renaissance. He wrote poetic masterpieces, but he never forgot to write and publish for children. Why did we start this book with selected poems for children with "Albanian language"? Even Jeronim de Rada, Naim Frashëri, Gjergj Fishta and dozens of other poets have written with respect and love for the Albanian language. Along with the Motherland that we inherited from our forefathers, it is the Albanian language that keeps us alive as Albanians, the greatest and most precious treasure that distinguishes us from other nations.

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