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Albas The Big Book of Medieval Legends


Albas The Big Book of Medieval Legends. CODE: 37001-ALB

Author: Francesc Miralles ; Translated by: Sofiana Filipi

Age group: above 9 years old

Number of pages: 112

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This book collects 11 medieval legends, in which it is told about magical places inhabited by fire-breathing dragons, brave knights, princesses imprisoned in high towers, bridges that rise and fall, and about many other events and characters. Fantasy and imagination travel through the mists of time, being inspired by the exploits and bravery of King Arthur's knights such as: Lancelot, Ivan, Perseval, Gawain or the most skilled archer, the protector of the poor, the hero, Robin Hood. This book also includes the most beautiful and tragic love stories of all time, which make you move and cry, such as the love story between Tristan and Isolde and that of Romeo and Juliet.

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