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Albas The Big Book of Adventures


Albas The Big Book of Adventures. CODE: 37008-ALB

Author: Albas ; Translated by: Lorida Demiraqi

Age group: above 9 years old

Number of pages: 112

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The Big Book of Adventures collects 11 stories adapted for children by the greatest classic adventure book authors. In these stories, children are introduced to the most exploratory and courageous characters of the times, who managed to survive in every difficulty, who challenged fate and who aimed to emerge victorious, helping others. With very attractive illustrations, this book includes titles such as: Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe; Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth; Charles Dickens's David Copperfield; Emilio Salgari's Sandokan; Robert L. Stevenson's Treasure Island; Oscar Wilde's Canterville Ghost; The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dymas; The Last of the Mohicans by James F. Cooper; Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer; Herman Melville's Moby Dick and Walter Scott's Ivanhoe. What a great adventure reading adventures!

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