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Albas Balabilu


Albas Balabilu. CODE: 28275-ALB

Author: Jean-Marie Gustav Le Clézio ; Translated by: Amantia Kapo

Age group: above 8 years old

Number of pages: 48

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"Have I told you the story of Balabilu?" - asked Namani, the old fisherman, Lala and the other children. They shook their heads in denial. Here begins the wonderful story of a great king who had a very beautiful daughter named Lejla. His kingdom is plagued by drought, which comes from a curse... A small bird, with a magical voice, saves the beautiful Leyla and the kingdom from drought... But who is this bird? A story full of surprise, excitement and rhyme. A story like a thousand and one nights, told by Le Klezio, author of the "Nobel" prize in literature.

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