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Albas Ben and Ana


Albas Ben and Ana. CODE: 02798-ALB

Author: Peter Hertling ; Translated by: Afrim Koçi

Age group: above 9 years old

Number of pages: 100

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"Ben and Ana" is a very pleasant children's novel. It talks about the childhood love between Ana and Ben, about their parents, their classmates, the charming teacher Zajbman, etc. The novel deals with a special aspect of children's relationships, as well as the kindness and tact that both parents and teachers show towards them. The environment and the daily life of children, in the classroom and outside it, comes with vivid and very attractive colors. Peter Hertling is a German writer who has written many children's books. In addition to many literary awards, the book "Beni and Ana" won the Zurich Children's Book Award.

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