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Albas What is happening to me? 101 questions and answers


Albas What is happening to me? 101 questions and answers. CODE: 10894-ALB

Author: Carla Nieto Martinez ; Translated by: Sidita Gjipali

Age group: above 12 years old

Number of pages: 64

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Adolescence is a period full of changes and new emotions. This book helps you clarify closely and easily the big doubts that may arise at this stage. How can I talk about my problems with my parents? What should I do to please the other person? What clothes should I wear? These and many other issues are clarified in the book "101 questions and answers", 101 doubts of young people of your age. You will discover that the "concerns" that affect you also have your classmates, your friends or young people you meet every day.

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