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Albas Albanian mythology


Albas Albanian mythology. CODE: 02982-ALB

Author: Tonin Çobani

Age group: above 14 years old

Number of pages: 130

Tax included
Vetëm online


Myths are the earliest explanations for the world around us and for the universe that hums within us. Therefore, mythology (the totality of myths) has interested man of all times. From another perspective, myths mark the beginnings of human intelligence, which is indefinable and paradoxically infinite. Even the messages conveyed by myths are immeasurable, both for the imagination with which they are protected, and for the poetic associations they create in the listener/reader. Some of the myths carry artistic expressions that are continuously updated, until they are partially (and temporarily) replaced by the symbolism of newer modernist or postmodernist myths. Albanian mythology cannot be excluded from these universal laws. Even more so when it is documented in parallel (if not earlier) with Greco-Roman mythology, which constitutes the earliest foundations of today's European civilization and beyond. My aim in this book is not to argue the presence of Albanian mythology among Albanians, nor is it to compare it with the mythology of neighboring peoples, but to present this mythology as integrated as possible in a theogonic system, overcoming, even if one-sided, many issues that are still under discussion, such as the Pelasgian mythology itself, in which Albanian researchers (and not only Albanians) insist, saying that Albanian, Greek and Roman mythology has its origins there. If we adhere to universal principles, then Albanian mythology is naturally distributed in three layers: • Pelasgian mythology • Illyrian mythology • Arberian mythology

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